My Soul's Reach On Hamlet
Tis not alone my inky cloal../nor customary suits of solemn black,/Nor…forced breath/No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,/Nor the dejected ‘havior of the visage…/with all forms, moods, [and] shapes of grief,/That can denote me truly” These indeed "seem", For they are actions that a man might play." (Act 1 sc 2)
Hamlet insists that he is an individual with many psychological and philosophical acets, though he himself will have difficulty in understanding and accepting all of his  layers. Throughout   the play, Hamlet reasserts his complexity and cautions the other characters will go  against him.Reducing him to a single, predictable type,or a mad type. The lesson that Shakespeare shows is that human beings are both good and bad, and that their complexity should not be negated, but rather explored.
The charactor Hamlet can be seen as a dynamic charactor. For with this quote the reader can see that shakepeare sets this charactor up for matureity. Hamlet trys to find himself, how he sees the world,his schemea and  starts thinking out of the box, but ends up over thinking situations . As seen in "Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave" in( Act 2 Sc. 2), Hamlet is in search for " sense of self" which most teen go through. The lose of his father has made him to think  "who I am."

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    November 2010



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