My Soul's Reach On Hamlet

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Yorick’s Skull
Yorick was a great jeester, who is now forgoten in death. The lesson behind the madness is no matter who you are be a King, or Queen once death hits that is the end, and thier importantce in life is gone. They are nothing ,to see the other side of death. When it ends that life is no more thought about , and life continues to move forward leaveing the dead in the dust.The skull symbolizes death, which Hamlet thinks about constently.In the aftermath of his father’s murder, Hamlet is obsessed with the idea of death, and over the course of the play he considers death from a great many perspectives. He asks why the skull would  let the  the grave digger dis respect his grave. Why don't just sue him for his disrespect. In this scene  the reader sees him cannot because he is no more than a skull.

Unweeded Garden & flowers

The symbol of an unweeded garden is Hamlet's disgust at the world arises from his disgust at the fact that his mother is now marying his uncle,but thats not the only meaning, these symbolsare used through out the play represnting Hamlets inner thoughts, and feelings. It also is used by other charactors to describe Hamlet. For example " A violet in the youth of primy nature"This, says Laertes, is how Ophelia should think of Hamlet's feelings for her. Laertes is willing to concede that Hamlet may be sincere, but his "favor" is like the violet,quick to bloom quick to die,This shows how Laertes precives prince Hamlet.
Shakespheare uses these  metaphors of unweeded gardens, and flowers throughout the play. Shakespeare's obssesion with flowers must be his own feelings reflected into his story. He use them throughout the play to shows corruption, and pity. (flowers on Ophelia's grave when she commited suicide, and Hamlet's disgust.)

"The Murder of Gonzago"

This play represents the unvailing of Claudius's crimes. It stands for the unjust murder on the king, whoses ghost haunts the night. The play all it self shows the murder of the true King in the exact way the ghost told it. This is because Hamlet changed the lines of the play before it was performed by the acters.Hamlet's plan to make the King confess his crimes, so he can be put to justice, comes close to sucseeding, but is ruined when he is considered mad, and sent to England. In the end the attempt was more of a warning of Hamlet' s desire for revenge.